Hello and Welcome

Welcome to my new blog.  Here I hope to create a resouce for Canadians (and anyone else interested) to find green products and services.  While building my house (Take a look), I found that there were lots of green building materials, but a lot of them were only available in the US and so it made it hard to incorportate them into my house, so I decided that there needs to be a resource site for Canadians to find green products and services that are available in Canada and where to find them.  I initially was just going to focus on building materials, but there is a need for a resource center for all types of green products.  I plan to do investigations of those products that are available to determine if they are indeed green, or just a greenwash.  I also hope to showcase products that are made in Canada and are made sustainably.  I also hope to find as many products as I can that are made by small private businesses that have a business model that doesn’t focus just on the bottom line and are more interested in creating jobs for Canadians and investing in the community.

If you see any green products that you think are worth including, please let me know through a comment or through the contact page.

I will aslo do some opinion pieces on sustainability and how it can be achieved, or at least how I think it can be achieved.  A lot of sites just go on about the problems, we need more than that, we need solutions.  Hopefully you will find this site of interest and come back once in a while to see what new has been posted.

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